Impact of media in pakistan

Impact of media in pakistan

Awareness of an issue is only the beginning. People may understand that it exists, but not understand its implications. Newspapers in the print media are most available and have the great access to a considerable number of people. The newspapers are not only mean to empower the literacy but also improve the ability of problem solving, critical thinking, preservation of information and draw a reasonable conclusion. Today we are living in the era of 5th generation and the environment in which the media’s presence is ubiquitous and their influence is encapsulating. Media play an important role in setting the agenda of the public
People will be inclined to know about those issues and things, which are highlighted by the mass media and they adopt the order of priority assigned to different issues. Because of the fact of paying attention to some issues and neglecting and ignoring some others, the mass media will have an effect on public opinion. Usually, people learn what the issues are and how these are ordered in importance in the media agenda.
